Looking at the first obstacle
Back ten years or so ago, Susan Garett was teaching dogs to look at the first jump on the startline of an agility course. Eh, I thought, just a party trick. After teaching agility for another decade, I have had time to re-think. Some of my students struggle to get the first obstacle for a number of reasons and that their dog is staring at them is very common. In scent work, I especially don't want the dog looking to the handler on the start line. Scent work dogs need to be scanning the search area ahead of them, ready to lead their owner to the hide.
Here's the entirety of a 5 minute training session in all its imperfect glory, edited only between resetting the target. It starts with my 12 month old Pitty mix, Pearl, with zero experience at looking ahead to staring at a jump with duration. This easily transferred to the agility field and looking for the first obstacle. It makes lateral lead-outs a breeze. I think it also helps with stays as the dog is >doing< something as looking is an active behavior as opposed to not moving.
Will it bite me down the road if she chooses the incorrect obstacle? I dunno but will report back...